9 Animals That Weigh Over 500 Pounds

The animal kingdom is a vast and diverse realm, home to creatures of all sizes, from the minuscule to the mammoth. 

In this article, we delve into the extraordinary world of animals that outweigh many humans, with weights exceeding 500 pounds.

These magnificent beings not only showcase the remarkable diversity of life on our planet but also serve as a testament to nature’s grandeur.

From land to sea, we’ll introduce you to nine animals that tip the scales at over 500 pounds, offering a glimpse into the awe-inspiring world of these heavyweight champions.

How Heavy Is 500 Pounds?

Before we embark on our exploration of animals that weigh over 500 pounds, let’s clarify the weight itself. 

In the United States and several other countries, weight is commonly measured in pounds. One pound is roughly equivalent to 0.4536 kilograms.

To reach 500 pounds, an object or animal would weigh approximately 226.8 kilograms. This weight signifies a substantial and significant measurement, and comprehending it sets the stage for appreciating the heft of the animals we’re about to encounter.

With this understanding in mind, we delve into the magnificent world of animals that surpass the 500-pound mark.

Conversion Of 500 Pounds Into Different Units

Measurement UnitEquivalent Value
Kilograms226.8 kg
Grams226,800 g
Tons (US)0.25 short tons
Tons (metric)0.227 metric tons

How To Measure 500 Pounds Easily?

Follow below steps to measure 500 pounds easily:

Step 1: Choose A Suitable Scale

To measure an object or animal’s weight of 500 pounds, you need a heavy-duty scale designed for accurately weighing heavy loads.

Step 2: Prepare The Scale

Place the scale on a flat, stable surface. Ensure it is calibrated correctly following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step 3: Position The Object Or Animal

Carefully place the object or animal on the scale, ensuring that its weight is distributed evenly.

Step 4: Record The Measurement

Wait for the scale to stabilize, then record the displayed weight. This reading provides the weight of the object or animal in pounds.

9 Common Animals That Weigh Over 500 Pounds

Animals come in a vast array of sizes and weights, with some truly massive creatures tipping the scales at over 500 pounds. Here, we explore nine such animals that weigh over 500 pounds, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations.

1. African Elephant

African elephants are the world’s largest land mammals. They are truly massive, with males weighing between 10,000 to 13,000 pounds. 

These gentle giants are known for their distinctive large ears, which help regulate their body temperature, and long, curved tusks. 

They use their tusks for various purposes, including digging for water, defending themselves, and gathering food.

2. Kodiak Bear

Kodiak bears, a subspecies of brown bears, are found on the Kodiak Archipelago in Alaska. They are among the largest bear species and can weigh up to 1,500 pounds. 

Their large size is an adaptation to the harsh, cold environment of the Arctic, allowing them to store fat and stay warm during hibernation.

3. Hippopotamus

Hippos may look a bit ungainly, but they are incredibly heavy. Adult males can reach weights of up to 3,300 pounds. 

They are semiaquatic mammals, spending a lot of their time in the water to stay cool and avoid the harsh sun. 

Hippos are known for their formidable jaws, which can crush almost anything in their path, and their territorial nature.

4. Giraffe

Giraffes are the world’s tallest land animals, reaching over 2,500 pounds in weight. Their most remarkable feature is their long neck, which can grow up to 18 feet. This adaptation allows them to reach high tree leaves for food that other animals cannot access.

5. Polar Bear

Polar bears are specially adapted to the frigid Arctic environment and can weigh between 900 and 1,600 pounds. 

They are excellent swimmers, using their powerful limbs and streamlined bodies to cover long distances in search of seals, their primary prey. Their thick fur and blubber provide insulation against the cold.

6. White Rhinoceros

The white rhinoceros is the second-largest land animal after the elephant, with males weighing around 5,000 pounds. 

They have wide mouths designed for grazing on grasses, and their broad, square-shaped lips help them efficiently feed on low-lying vegetation. 

Unlike their name suggests, “white” may be a mistranslation of the word “wide” from Dutch.

7. Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater crocodiles are the world’s largest living reptiles, often exceeding 2,000 pounds. They are formidable predators, known for their size and aggressiveness. 

Their adaptation includes powerful jaws filled with sharp teeth and the ability to thrive in both saltwater and freshwater environments.

8. Humpback Whale

Humpback whales are massive marine mammals, with adults reaching up to 40 tons (80,000 pounds). 

These gentle giants are known for their acrobatic breaches and haunting songs, which are thought to serve various communication purposes. Their baleen plates allow them to filter feed on small marine creatures.

9. Rhinoceros Beetle

The rhinoceros beetle, particularly the Hercules beetle species, is smaller than the other animals on this list but can still surpass 500 pounds in terms of their strength relative to their size. 

They are renowned for their horn-like structures, which males use for combat and territorial disputes. These beetles are impressive examples of insect strength and adaptation in the animal kingdom.

3 Weird Things That Are 500 pounds Weight

In a world filled with objects of all shapes and sizes, there are some that stand out for their sheer peculiarity. Here, we explore three strange things that weigh 500 pounds each, from colossal fungi to unique minerals.

1. Giant Pumpkin

In the world of competitive gardening, giant pumpkins have become a fascination. These colossal gourds can weigh up to 2,000 pounds, but a 500-pound pumpkin is still a behemoth. 

It takes meticulous care, specialized techniques, and perfect conditions to cultivate one of these massive pumpkins, which are often showcased at agricultural fairs and pumpkin festivals.

2. Ambergris

Ambergris, a substance produced in the digestive system of sperm whales, is a unique find along the world’s coastlines. It was historically used in perfumes for its ability to fix scents. 

A 500-pound chunk of ambergris is extremely rare and can fetch a hefty price in the fragrance industry due to its scarcity and unique properties.

3. Lingzhi Mushroom (Reishi)

Lingzhi, also known as Reishi in Japanese, is a type of mushroom revered for its medicinal properties in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. 

While individual Lingzhi mushrooms are typically much lighter, some have been cultivated to impressive sizes, with some specimens reaching 500 pounds or more. 

These colossal fungi are not only prized for their size but also for the potential health benefits associated with consuming them.


Are you curious about some of the heaviest animals on Earth? You’ve come to the right place. Check out these frequently asked questions to learn about nine magnificent creatures that weigh over 500 pounds.

What Are Some Well-Known Animals That Weigh Over 500 Pounds?

Examples include African elephants, grizzly bears, Bengal tigers, and large saltwater crocodiles.

How Do These Animals Achieve Such Significant Weights?

Their weight results from a combination of genetics, diet, and environmental factors. Many are herbivores that consume large quantities of plant matter.

Are There Any Aquatic Animals That Reach Or Exceed 500 Pounds In Weight?

Yes, marine animals like the orca, great white shark, and certain species of sea turtles can reach or surpass this weight.

Is 500 Pounds A Common Weight Range Among Animals, Or Are These Animals Considered Exceptionally Heavy?

500 pounds is considered exceptionally heavy for most animals. In the animal kingdom, there’s a wide range of sizes.

What Role Does An Animal’s Weight Play In Its Ecosystem And Survival?

An animal’s weight can impact its role within its ecosystem. For example, larger herbivores can influence plant populations, and apex predators can regulate prey species.


The natural world is brimming with remarkable creatures, and the nine animals highlighted in this article, each exceeding 500 pounds, exemplify the incredible diversity of life on our planet. 

Their impressive size is a testament to the fascinating adaptations that allow them to thrive in their respective environments. 

Whether they roam the savannah, patrol the oceans, or stalk the forests, these heavyweight champions play crucial roles in the ecosystems they inhabit. They inspire awe and remind us of the wondrous diversity of life on Earth.

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