How Much Does 5 Gallons of Paint Weigh? A Comprehensive Guide

A 40-word clear answer in the introduction: The weight of 5 gallons of paint can vary quite a bit depending on the type and brand.

On average 5 gallons of regular wall paint weighs about 60 pounds. Lighter paints like chalk or milk paint may weigh around 50 pounds for 5 gallons, while heavier paints like oil-based enamel can weigh over 70 pounds per 5 gallons.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of paint and answer the question: How much does 5 gallons of paint weigh? With example and proper deep information.

What Makes Up Paint?

Before we get into the specifics of the weight, it’s important to understand what paint is made of. Paint consists of three main components:


Pigments are finely ground, colored particles that give paint its hue. These particles are usually made from a variety of materials, including minerals, chemicals, and organic compounds.


Binders are the components that hold the pigments together and help them adhere to surfaces. Common binders include latex, acrylic, and oil-based compounds.


Solvents are the liquid part of paint that helps keep it in a liquid state until it’s applied. Once the paint is applied, the solvents evaporate, leaving behind the pigments and binders.

What Factors Determine the Weight of Paint

Understanding the factors influencing paint weight, from type and finish to quality, is essential for precise calculations and project planning.

Paint Type

The biggest factor in determining paint weight is the type of paint. Different kinds of paint have different densities and ingredients, which affects the overall weight.

  • Latex Paint

Latex wall paint is the most common type used for interior walls and trim. Latex paint is water-based, making it lighter than oil-based options. 5 gallons of latex wall paint weighs 50-65 pounds on average.

  • Oil-Based Paint

Oil-based paints like alkyds and oil enamels are much heavier than latex. They contain solvents rather than water, increasing their density. 5 gallons of oil-based paint can weigh 65-80 pounds.

  • Specialty Paints

Specialty paints like chalk, milk paint, or metallic paints have unique ingredients that can make them lighter or heavier than regular wall paints. 

5 gallons of chalk or milk paint may weigh around 50 pounds, while metallic paints may exceed 70 pounds.

Finish and Sheen

The finish and sheen level of paint impacts its weight slightly. Paint with a higher sheen like gloss or semi-gloss is a bit heavier than flat, matte, or eggshell paint. 

The extra resins in paint that give it a glossy finish add a small amount of weight.

Quality and Brand

Higher quality brand name paints tend to weigh a bit more than generic, budget-friendly paints. 

More expensive paints contain more solids like resins and pigments, increasing the overall density and weight. Cheap paint has more fillers which reduce the weight slightly.

Average Weight of 5 Gallons of Different Paint Types

Here is an overview of how much standard 5 gallon buckets of different paints typically weigh:

  • Latex wall paint – 50-65 lbs
  • Oil-based enamel – 70-80 lbs
  • Chalk paint – 45-55 lbs
  • Milk paint – 48-58 lbs
  • Metallic paint – 65-75 lbs
  • Primer – 57-68 lbs
  • Stain – 63-73 lbs

Of course, the exact weight depends on the brand and finish, but these ranges give a general idea of how paint type impacts overall weight.

Does Color Affect Paint Weight?

The color tint added to base paint does not have a significant impact on the weight. However, very deep colors may weigh slightly more than lighter colors or whites. 

This is because more pigment or colorant needs to be added to achieve dark hues. Still, the weight difference is negligible in most cases.

Weight of Empty 5 Gallon Paint Buckets

When estimating paint project needs, it’s helpful to know the weight of the empty 5 gallon paint containers as well. Here are typical weights of empty 5 gallon paint buckets:

  • Plastic bucket – 1.5-2.5 lbs
  • Metal bucket – 4-6 lbs

So if you have 10 empty plastic 5 gallon buckets, they would weigh about 20-25 pounds total. Remember to subtract the bucket weight when calculating your total quantity of paint.

Does Paint Weight Change as it Dries?

Paint does lose a small portion of its weight as it dries after application. This is because the water or solvents evaporate away, leaving only the solids of the paint behind on the wall. 

However, the dried weight of paint is very difficult to calculate. In general, expect at least 10% paint shrinkage by weight from wet to dried paint.

Estimating Quantity Needs by Weight

Whether you’re embarking on a painting project, exploring a new recipe, or delving into a DIY endeavor, our guidance and expertise are here to assist you.

Determining Total Wall Area

To estimate the quantity of paint needed by weight for large commercial or industrial paint jobs, the first step is to calculate the total wall area to be painted.

Multiplying by Recommended Paint Coverage Rate

Once you have the total wall area, multiply it by the recommended paint coverage rate, measured in pounds per square foot, specific to the paint type and application method you’re using.

Calculating Total Weight Needed

The next step is to calculate the total weight required. This is achieved by multiplying the total wall area by the paint coverage rate obtained in the previous step.

Converting Weight to Gallons

To convert the weight to gallons, divide the total weight by the average weight per gallon of the chosen paint.

Example Calculation:

  • Total wall area: 2500 sq ft
  • Paint coverage rate: 0.04 lb/sq ft
  • Total weight needed: 2500 sq ft x 0.04 lb/sq ft = 100 lbs
  • If using latex paint weighing 60 lbs per 5 gallons:
  • Gallons needed = 100 lbs total / 60 lbs per 5 gallons = 1.66 gallons

By following this weight estimation approach, you can accurately determine the quantity of paint needed for your project, helping to avoid guesswork and minimize waste. Don’t forget to allocate an additional 5-10% of paint to account for potential uneven application, spills, and other unexpected factors.

Tips for Lifting and Carrying 5 Gallon Paint Buckets

5 gallon paint buckets can be quite heavy, especially for oil-based paints which can exceed 70 pounds. Here are some tips for safely moving and lifting paint:

  • Use lifting aids – A paint can dolly or lever makes rolling the bucket much easier on your back.
  • Share the load – Carry together with another person when feasible.
  • Bend knees – Use proper lifting form by keeping your back straight and lifting with your legs.
  • Move close to body – Keep the load as close to your body as possible when lifting.
  • Work in small amounts – Pour paint into smaller 1-2 gallon containers to make handling easier.
  • Open carefully – Pry open lids slowly to avoid spills from built up pressure.

Taking some simple precautions will help prevent injury when moving heavy paint buckets around. Be sure to get help lifting very heavy 5 gallon containers.


This FAQ section provides insights into the weights of different paint types, their containers, and considerations for safe handling and moving.

Does All Latex Paint Weigh The Same Per Gallon?

No, not all latex paints have the same density. Budget brands or flat finishes may weigh a little less than premium semi-gloss paints. Typically latex weighs 10.5-13.5 lbs per gallon.

What Weighs More, A Gallon Of Paint Or A Gallon Of Water?

A gallon of water weighs about 8.3 pounds. All types of paint weigh more than water, usually 25-50% more per gallon due to the pigments and resins.

Is Oil Or Latex Paint Heavier?

Oil-based paints are significantly heavier than latex paints. A gallon of latex may weigh 10-14 pounds, while oil paint weighs 13-18 pounds per gallon on average.

How Much Does A Full 5 Gallon Bucket Of Primer Weigh?

Primers have a similar density as latex wall paints. A full 5 gallon bucket of primer typically weighs around 60-70 pounds depending on the brand and finish.

Can I Move 5 Gallons Of Paint By Myself?

It depends on your strength and the type of paint. 5 gallons of latex wall paint may be manageable alone with lifting aids. Heavier oil-based paint over 70 pounds per 5 gallons can be difficult to safely maneuver alone.

How Much Does An Empty 5 Gallon Paint Bucket Weigh?

Empty plastic 5 gallon buckets weigh 1.5-2.5 lbs, while empty steel 5 gallon buckets are heavier at 4-6 lbs. Remember to subtract the tare weight when calculating total paint quantity.


Calculating paint needs by weight rather than volume is recommended for large painting jobs. Consider the type of paint, finish, and brand when estimating the weight per 5 gallons. 

Handle heavy buckets safely, use lifting aids, and divide the load. Knowing typical paint weights by category along with proper handling techniques will ensure you get the right quantity of paint for a smooth and efficient painting project.

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