What Is The Size Of A License Plate?

When it comes to license plates, they play a pivotal role in identifying vehicles on the road, helping maintain order and safety. However, their sizes can vary considerably from one region to another.

A standard license plate in the United States is 6 inches tall by 12 inches wide. However, the exact dimensions can vary slightly by state.

In this article, we will delve into the dimensions of license plates, exploring the standard sizes used in different countries, as well as the reasons behind these variations.

Typical Dimensions of License Plates

Most license plates in the US tend to be around 6″ x 12″, which provides enough space for the plate’s content while remaining easy to mount on a vehicle. Here are some common dimensions:

Standard 6″ x 12″ Plates

  • 6 inches tall x 12 inches wide is the most common license plate size in the US.
  • This size is used in states like California, Texas, New York, Florida, and dozens of others.
  • The familiar dimensions allow plates to be easily recognized while providing sufficient room for plate numbers, state name, graphics, and other content.

Slightly Smaller Plates

  • Some states use plates that are slightly smaller than the standard 6″ x 12″.
  • For example, Ohio’s plates are 5.5″ x 10.5″, while Wisconsin’s measure 5.25″ x 10″.
  • The smaller dimensions save a bit on material costs but still provide ample room for required plate content.

Larger Plates

  • A handful of states use larger license plates beyond the typical 6″ x 12″ dimensions.
  • Alaska has plates measuring 6.5″ x 13.5″, while Arizona’s measure 7″ x 13″.
  • These oversized plates allow the issuance of plates with larger plate numbers or more elaborate graphics.

Specialty Plates

  • Specialty license plate designs may use somewhat different dimensions than standard plates.
  • Some alternate sizing allows plates to accommodate special graphics, logos, or branding elements unique to that plate type.
  • Most specialty plates still maintain similar height and width as standard plates.

Motorcycle/Small Vehicle Plates

  • License plates designed for motorcycles and small trailers are smaller in size.
  • Motorcycle plates are typically 4″ x 7″ to fit smaller mounting areas on bikes.
  • Plates for boat trailers, utility trailers, and similar vehicles also use a smaller 4″ x 7″ size.

Reasons for Size Differences Between States

While license plates are generally around 6″ x 12″ in the US, differences in exact size from state to state occur for a variety of reasons:

History and Tradition

  • Some size variations originated decades ago and have remained consistent due to tradition.
  • States that have issued plates in a certain size for many years often continue using those established dimensions.

Administering Agency

  • The department responsible for license plate issuance sometimes influences sizing.
  • For instance, plates issued by state DMVs often differ in size from specialty plates administered by other agencies.

Plate Design and Branding

  • How much text, graphic elements, and other content must appear on the plate can impact its dimensions.
  • Larger plates allow more elaborate plate graphics tied to a state’s visual branding.

Reflectivity and Legibility

  • Some states use license plate blanks with subtle differences in sheeting that affect the plate size.
  • Marginally larger plates may improve reflectivity and night visibility.

Manufacturing Considerations

  • Plate size can be influenced by the printing process and machinery used to manufacture plates.
  • Standardizing on certain dimensions may simplify manufacturing for some plate producers.

Deterrent to Theft or Illegal Transfer

  • Using a non-standard size can make plates less appealing targets for theft and illicit transfer.
  • It may deter people from trying to steal and reuse plates that don’t fit most vehicles.

Standard North American License Plate Dimensions

Beyond the common 6″ x 12″ US plate size, there are some other standard plate dimensions used across North America:

United States

  • 6″ x 12″ plate size used in all 50 states
  • Consistent sizing makes plates interchangeable across states

So the U.S. follows the common 6″ x 12″ dimensions coast to coast.


  • 6″ x 12″ size commonly used in most provinces
  • Quebec uses a smaller European size (520mm x 110mm)
  • Northwest Territories uses a taller 7” x 12” plate

Canada mainly uses the standard 6″ x 12″ dimensions, except in Quebec and Northwest Territories.


  • Many regions use the 6” x 12” size
  • Mexico City and some other areas use a longer 7” x 14” plate
  • Specialty plate sizes also exist

Like the U.S. and Canada, 6″ x 12″ is a common standard in Mexico, but with some exceptions.

So across North America, the 6″ x 12″ size is prevalent, with occasional regional differences.

Do All Countries Follow the Same Sizes?

While many jurisdictions across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia use the 6″ x 12″ size, it’s not universally standardized worldwide. Some examples of other sizes include:

  • European Standard Size – 520mm x 110mm or ~20″ x 4.5″
  • Singapore – 533mm x 198mm or ~21″ x 8″
  • Saudi Arabia – 440mm x 140mm or ~17″ x 5.5″

So while the 6″ x 12″ plate has widespread use globally, it’s not an absolute standard everywhere. Some countries opt for smaller or larger dimensions.

How Are License Plate Sizes Regulated?

Most US states regulate license plate dimensions through legislation, administrative codes, or department policies. Typical ways plate sizes are standardized include:

State Laws

  • Some states codify standard plate dimensions into law. For example, Rhode Island’s statutes specifically require 6″ x 12″ passenger car plates.

Departmental Regulations

  • In other states, motor vehicle departments set plate sizes through administrative rules and regulations.

Plate Design Specifications

  • The approved specifications guiding each plate design will outline the prescribed width and height.

Manufacturer Requirements

  • Contracts and agreements with license plate manufacturers may stipulate consistent sizing.

Industry Standards

  • Some departments informally follow common industry standards for plates rather than codifying specific sizes into official policies.

Can You Get a Non-Standard Size License Plate?

In some cases, it is possible to request a license plate in a non-standard size:

  • Medical need – Those with a documented medical condition that necessitates a different plate size may be able to get an alternate size through a special permit.
  • Special connections – In rare cases, people with special government connections or status may be able to get custom plates. But average citizens would not be able to request odd-sized vanity plates.
  • Older plates – Collectors who have acquired valid old plates may be able to register them as daily drivers with non-standard dimensions from past eras.
  • Temporary permits – Temporary registration permits designed for in-transit trips or temporary operation may use atypical sizes as they aren’t regular plates.

But in most cases, states only issue plates in the standard sizes dictated by that jurisdiction’s laws. It’s not possible for everyday vehicle owners to request a custom or non-standard size.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Navigating the diverse world of license plate sizes can be puzzling. Here, we answer your FAQs, from exact dimensions in various states to the possibility of custom oversized vanity plates.

What Is The Exact Size Of License Plates In Each State?

While the 6″ x 12″ size is the most common, exact dimensions vary and include:

  • 6″ x 12″ – California, Texas, New York, others
  • 6.5″ x 13.5″ – Alaska
  • 5.5″ x 10.5″ – Ohio
  • 5.25″ x 10″ – Wisconsin
  • 7″ x 13″ – Arizona

Some States Use Different Sizes For Specialty And Vanity Plates.

Why Are Some License Plates Shorter And Squarer Than Others?

States with shorter, squarer plates under 6″ high likely do so for manufacturing efficiency and material cost savings. The shorter plates use less aluminum. Squarer shapes may also aid plate production.

Can I Get A Custom Oversized Vanity Plate For My Car?

Unfortunately, most states do not allow private vehicle owners to obtain vanity or specialty plates in non-standard oversized dimensions. Plates are limited to approved dimensions.

Are License Plates Getting Bigger?

Plate dimensions have remained fairly consistent for decades. Most US states continue using standard plate sizes around 6″ x 12″. A major size increase is unlikely due to mounting constraints.

How Do I Find The Exact Size Of Plates From My State?

The best way to find your state’s precise license plate dimensions is to check your state motor vehicle department’s website or contact them directly. State statutes may also specify standard plate sizing requirements.

Final Thought

The most common US license plate size is 6″ x 12″, but some states use plates slightly smaller or larger.

Variations in size from state to state arise from history, administration, design needs, manufacturing, and theft deterrence. Other countries in North America have their own standardized plate sizes that differ from the US norm. 

Plate dimensions are set through state laws, department policies, manufacturing contracts, or industry standards. Drivers cannot request custom non-standard plate sizes without specific medical authorization.

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