Examples of Things Measured in Milliliters

Milliliters are commonly used to measure small amounts of liquids and substances like water, medicine, chemicals, food ingredients, etc.

This article explores common examples of mL usage, providing insights into how this small unit plays a vital role in our everyday lives. Discover the versatility and significance of milliliters in ensuring precision, consistency, and safety.

Common Examples Of Things Measured In Milliliters

Explore a wide range of examples of things measured in milliliters (mL) in various domains, including cooking, mixology, science experiments, and medicine. Discover how mL measurements offer precision in each context.

  • Cooking/Baking Ingredients

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract is commonly measured in milliliters when baking. Most recipes call for 1-2 mL of vanilla extract per serving. Extracts are potent, so small amounts in mL are needed.

Food Coloring

Food coloring comes in small bottles with a dropper for measuring out milliliters. Recipes may use anywhere from 1-30 mL of food coloring to tint frostings, batters, etc. 

Measuring food colors in mL allows precise control over the shade.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is commonly measured in teaspoons, but mL work too. 15 mL of lemon juice provides a bright, fresh flavor equal to about 1 tablespoon. mL allows very precise amounts to give the desired tartness.

Olive Oil

When brushing olive oil on bread or drizzling it over dishes, recipes may call for just a few mL. 2-5 mL is enough to lightly coat most pieces without overdoing it. mL gives control over getting just the right sheen of oil.

  • Mixology/Cocktails

Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is measured in mL when mixing drinks. About 10-30 mL simple syrup sweetens most cocktails without overpowering other flavors. The ml measure allows sweetness to be adjusted to taste.


Bitters are very concentrated, so they are measured in small mL increments. Just 2-5 mL bitters balances and enhances cocktail flavors. Bitters come in dropper bottles perfect for measuring out exact mL.


Straight liquors or spirits in cocktails are measured in mL for accuracy. A standard drink is 45 mL liquor. Small 25-50 mL amounts tailor a cocktail’s strength as desired. mL ensure you measure liquor precisely.

Fresh Squeezed Juice

Freshly squeezed citrus juice is measured in mL for consistency in cocktails. Limes and lemons can vary in juiciness, so mL ensures the right amount of juice every time for balanced flavors. Typical amounts are 15-30 mL.

  • Science Experiments


Water is the most common liquid measured in milliliters for science experiments. Measuring H2O in mL allows tracking precise volumes as it changes from liquid to gas during heating/cooling experiments. It’s easier than larger liter units.

Acids/Bases/pH Solutions

Acids and bases used in chemistry experiments are measured carefully in mL using pipettes and graduated cylinders. Precise mL measurements allow scientists to control the concentrations and pH when experimenting with solutions.


Indicator chemicals change color in the presence of acids/bases. Just a few mL of indicators are added to test solutions. Measuring in small milliliter increments ensures just the right amount is used for clear color change results.


Any liquid chemical reagent used in experiments will likely be measured in mL. Reagent amounts can be as low as 1-2 mL. The milliliter’s small size allows the precision needed for measuring experimental reagents.

  • Medicine/Pharmacy

Cough Syrup

Cough syrup doses are measured in milliliters, especially for children. Labels provide dosage guidelines like 1 mL per year of age. Syrups are thick, so mL ensures proper small amounts. 5-10 mL is a typical dose.

Eye Drops

Eye drops from medicine bottles are measured in tiny mL amounts. Adults get 1-2 drops, which is about 0.3 – 0.6 mL. For children, it’s even less. The mL scale allows precise measurement of medicated eye drops.


Medical injections with a hypodermic needle will often be measured in mL. Whether it’s a vaccine, antibiotic, or other shot, the necessary volume injected will be described in milliliters for accuracy. Doses range from 0.5 – 2 mL generally.


CBD oil tinctures come with a milliliter dropper for measuring out small doses. The standard starting amount is 0.5 mL. Dosage can be slowly adjusted up with the precise mL scale. CBD is potent stuff, so mL allow careful measurement.

Miscellaneous Examples

  • Perfume/Cologne – 2-5 mL applied is perfect
  • E-Liquid Vape Juice – Measured by the milliliter
  • Paints/Dyes – Add slight amounts in mL to vary color
  • Motor Oil – Some small engines take only a few 100 mL for a fill up
  • Condiments – mL are used on nutrition labels for servings
  • Pesticides/Herbicides – Measured in mL per gallon of water dilution
  • Cleaning Products – Diluted and applied in small mL for concentration

Frequently Asked Questions About Milliliters

Discover essential information about milliliters (mL), a vital metric unit of volume, in this FAQ section. Learn about its size, usage, and common examples of measurements in milliliters.

What Is A Milliliter?

A milliliter (mL) is a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter. It allows measurement of very small amounts of liquids and substances.

What Is The Size Of 1 Milliliter?

One milliliter takes up about the same space as 1 cubic centimeter. It has a volume approximately equal to one 5th of a teaspoon.

How Many Milliliters Are In A Liter?

There are 1000 milliliters in one liter. A liter is 1000 times larger than a milliliter. A milliliter is 1/1000 of a liter.

What Is A Milliliter Used For?

Milliliters are commonly used to measure small amounts of liquids like water, chemicals, medicine, food ingredients, etc. Any time small volumes need to be measured precisely, the milliliter is useful.

What Are Some Examples Of Things Measured In Milliliters?

Some examples are cooking ingredients like vanilla, food coloring, bitters; pharmaceuticals like cough syrup, eye drops, injections; and liquids used in science experiments such as water, acids, and chemical indicators.


In various aspects of life, from cooking and mixology to science experiments and medicine, milliliters play a crucial role in accurately measuring and dispensing liquids and substances. 

This versatile metric unit ensures precision, consistency, and safety in a wide range of applications. 

Understanding the examples of things measured in milliliters highlights the importance of this small yet significant unit of volume in our daily lives.


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