8 Common Things That are 17 Feet Long

In the vast landscape of measurements, 17 feet stands as an intriguing mark that finds its presence in a myriad of everyday items. 

From vehicles to towering animals, the significance of this length resonates across various sectors and even in some unexpected places. 

This guide unravels the mystery of the 17-foot mark, offering insights into its equivalence, ways to measure it, and the most common and unusual items that match this dimension.

How Long Is 17 Feet?

17 feet is a measure of length in the imperial system. To picture this, imagine a standard 12-inch ruler. If you lined up 17 of these rulers end to end, you would have 17 feet. 

Another way to envision it is by thinking of a person who is around 6 feet tall. Three of these individuals lying down head to toe would almost measure 17 feet, just missing by a foot. 

It’s a significant length, roughly equivalent to the size of a small boat, a large van, or the height of a one-and-a-half-story building. This gives you an idea of how long 17 feet truly is.

Conversion Of 17 Feet Into Different Units

Understanding measurement conversions is fundamental in various practical contexts. Below is a table showcasing the equivalent lengths of 17 feet in different units:

UnitEquivalent Length
Feet17 feet
Inches204 inches
Yards5.67 yards
Meters5.182 meters
Centimeters518.2 centimeters

How To Measure 17 Feet Easily?

Accurate measurements are essential for successful projects. Follow these steps to easily measure 17 feet:

1. Get the Right Tools

Ensure you have a reliable measuring tape or ruler with feet and inches markings for precise measurement.

2. Choose a Suitable Area

Select a flat and stable surface to work on, ensuring the object or distance won’t move.

3. Start at the Beginning

Position the starting end of the measuring tape or ruler at one end of the object or distance.

4. Extend and Mark

Unroll the measuring tape or use a ruler to span the entire 17 feet, making a clear endpoint mark.

5. Read the Measurement

Look at the measurement where the tape or ruler ends. This gives you the accurate length of 17 feet.

6. Double-Check for Accuracy

Measure the distance again to ensure the precision of your initial measurement.

7. Consider Assistance

For longer distances, having a helper hold the other end of the measuring tape can make the process smoother.

8. Take Note of the Measurement

If the measurement is for a project, jot it down to avoid forgetting or misplacing it.

9. Account for Obstacles

Adjust the measurement for any obstacles or bends along the path for a more accurate result.

10. Practice Makes Perfect

Regularly measuring different objects will enhance your accuracy and confidence over time. Practice improves precision.

8 Common Things That Are 17 Feet Long

In a world teeming with varied sizes and dimensions, 17 feet stands out as a surprisingly recurrent measurement in our everyday life. Let’s dive deep into some of the everyday items that measure around this particular length.

1. Some Recreational Boats

Recreational boats, especially those designed for family outings, casual fishing, or short trips, often hover around the 17-foot mark. These boats are meticulously crafted to balance between size and functionality. 

At 17 feet, they are spacious enough to accommodate seating for a family, space for fishing gear, a cooler for refreshments, and other amenities. 

The length also ensures they remain nimble, enabling easy maneuverability through waterways, simpler docking procedures, and more efficient fuel consumption.

2. Tandem Kayaks

Tandem kayaks, tailored for two paddlers, usually measure around the 17-foot range. The design rationale behind this length is multi-fold.

A 17-foot kayak offers a stable and balanced water vessel, reducing the chances of toppling in challenging waters. 

This length also facilitates efficient paddling rhythms, ensuring that both paddlers can synchronize without their paddles clashing. 

Additionally, it gives ample legroom and storage space for day-trip gear or camping essentials.

3. Medium-sized Motorhomes

While the vast realm of motorhomes encompasses a broad spectrum of sizes, the medium category often touches the 17-foot dimension. These motorhomes offer a harmonious blend of compactness and luxury. 

They often come equipped with a bedroom, a small kitchenette, a seating area, and a restroom. 

Being 17 feet means they’re nimble enough for city driving, parking in standard spots, and cruising highways, all while offering a comfortable living space on wheels.

4. Stationary Shipping Containers

A good chunk of shipping containers, particularly those repurposed for creative uses like homes or business setups, span around 17 feet. 

These steel containers, known for their durability and robustness, offer a blank canvas for innovators. 

At this size, they provide ample space for a cozy living area or a chic office setup, yet remain transportable by standard container trucks.

5. Adult Giraffes

It’s awe-inspiring to think that nature’s skyscraper, the giraffe, when measured from head to tail, averages a length of 17 feet. 

The majority of this length is attributed to its iconic neck, which serves multiple purposes. It allows the giraffe to reach the high branches of trees, giving it access to food other herbivores can’t reach. 

Additionally, the elevated head offers a panoramic view, serving as an early warning system against potential threats.

6. Pick-Up Trucks with Trailers

When you attach a trailer to a standard pick-up truck, the cumulative length often matches the 17-foot mark. 

This combination is a transport powerhouse, capable of hauling everything from furniture to recreational vehicles. 

For many individuals, this setup becomes an indispensable asset for cross-country moves, weekend camping trips, or DIY home projects.

7. Certain Mobile Cranes

In the realm of construction, specific mobile cranes come in at about 17 feet in length. These are not the towering giants one might imagine but are instead optimized for urban environments. 

At this size, they can navigate city streets, fit into tighter construction sites, and still lift impressive weights. Their design is a testament to engineering excellence, ensuring strength doesn’t compromise agility.

8. Standard Telephone Poles

Look outside, and you might spot a telephone or utility pole. These wooden pillars, essential to our modern communication infrastructure, typically stand tall at around 17 feet. 

However, a significant portion (usually about 6 feet) is entrenched underground, ensuring they remain upright and stable. 

These poles serve as conduits, carrying electrical currents, telephone lines, and sometimes fiber-optic cables, silently connecting our world.

3 Weird Things That Are 17 Feet Long

In a world full of oddities, measuring items can uncover some pretty bizarre things. Consider the random length of 17 feet. You’d be surprised at what you might find!

1. An Enormous Python

Pythons are known for their size, but some reach truly astonishing lengths. A python found in Indonesia was measured at a jaw-dropping 17 feet. 

Living mostly in forests and swamps, these snakes hunt and eat large mammals. A python this size can eat prey as large as deer! It’s a reminder that in the animal kingdom, size can make a significant difference.

2. A Giant Spaghetti Strand

Believe it or not, the longest spaghetti strand ever recorded was about 17 feet long! Produced in Japan, this culinary marvel took precision and patience.

Special wheat and production techniques were used to maintain its structural integrity. It’s not your average pasta night when a noodle spans half a basketball court!

3. A Mustache to Remember

Ram Singh Chauhan, from India, held the record for the world’s longest mustache, which reached an impressive length of 17 feet! Growing a mustache of this magnitude required more than just patience. 

Chauhan spent years grooming, maintaining, and caring for his exceptional facial hair. Just imagine the amount of mustache wax required for daily upkeep!


Whether you’re looking to grasp the length or simply curious about objects that measure approximately 17 feet, we’ve got the answers. Explore these frequently asked questions to learn more about common items that span this length.

What Vehicles Are Approximately 17 Feet Long?

Many sedans and some mid-sized SUVs fall into this length range. Specifically, vehicles like the BMW 5 series or the Mercedes E-Class are about 17 feet long, though exact lengths can vary by model year.

Are There Any Animals That Are 17 Feet Long?

Yes! Some mature saltwater crocodiles and female great white sharks can reach lengths close to 17 feet, making them some of the most formidable creatures in their habitats.

Do Any Trees Typically Grow to 17 Feet in a Short Time?

Bamboo, which is technically a grass, can grow incredibly fast and reach 17 feet in just a few months under optimal conditions. Other trees might take several years to attain this height.

How Many Standard Bricks Laid End to End Would Equal 17 Feet?

Using the average U.S. brick size of 7.5 inches, approximately 27 bricks laid end to end would span 17 feet. However, exact numbers can vary based on the specific brick size.

Can Standard Kayaks Measure Up to 17 Feet Long?

Yes, sea or touring kayaks often measure around 17 feet. They are designed this way to track straight in open waters and cover distances more efficiently compared to shorter recreational kayaks.

Is 17 Feet a Standard Size for Any Household Items?

While not “standard”, some larger above-ground swimming pools can measure 17 feet in diameter. Additionally, longer carpets or runners might approach this length in spacious homes or corridors.

Are There Sports Equipment Items That Are Around 17 Feet Long?

The pole used in pole vaulting is a good example. These poles can vary in length, but many of them used in professional settings measure close to or even exceed 17 feet.


Seventeen feet is more than just a unit of measurement; it’s a testament to the diversity and vastness of our world. 

From the magnificence of nature, like towering giraffes, to feats of engineering and design, such as medium-sized motorhomes, the ubiquity of this length is undeniable. 

With both expected and surprising examples, the journey through the realm of 17 feet offers an enlightening perspective on the world around us.

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