9 Common Things That are 20 Meters Big

In our day-to-day life, measurements help us understand the world around us. 

From constructing buildings to playing sports, we rely on units like meters to gauge size and distance. Yet, visualizing certain measurements, like 20 meters, can be challenging. 

By referencing everyday items and surprising objects, we can grasp this dimension more intuitively. 

Dive into our comprehensive guide to discover how 20 meters manifests in our world and why it’s more familiar than you might think.

How Long Is 20 Meters?

20 meters is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to the length of 20 standard-sized office desks lined up end-to-end. Imagine stacking roughly 10 cars in a row; that’s approximately 20 meters. 

If you’ve ever seen an Olympic-sized swimming pool, its length is 50 meters, so 20 meters would be just under half of that pool’s length.

In comparison to the imperial system, 20 meters is equal to about 65.6 feet, which is slightly longer than the height of a six-story building. 

Essentially, 20 meters is a substantial distance, often used to measure large spaces or distances in athletics.

Conversion Of 20 Meters Into Different Units 

Converting measurements can be useful in various contexts. Here’s a table illustrating the equivalent lengths of 20 meters in different measurement units:

UnitEquivalent Length of 20 Meters
Centimeters2000 cm
Millimeters20000 mm
Feet65.6168 ft
Yards21.872 yd
Inches787.4024 in

These conversions provide a clearer understanding of 20 meters’ length in various measurement systems.

How To Measure 20 Meters Easily?

Accurately measuring 20 meters is straightforward with these steps. Whether for construction or projects, follow this guide:

Materials You’ll Need

Ensure you have a measuring tape or a surveyor’s wheel designed to measure longer distances.

Step 1: Choose a Suitable Location

Select an open and level area to measure. Avoid slopes or uneven ground for accurate results.

Step 2: Unroll the Measuring Tape

Extend the measuring tape along the ground, ensuring it’s straight and properly aligned.

Step 3: Begin Measuring

Starting at one end, keep the measuring tape taut and slowly walk along the length you want to measure.

Step 4: Read the Measurement

Once you’ve reached the desired distance, read the measurement on the measuring tape. This is your 20-meter length.

Step 5: Repeat for Precision

For critical measurements, repeat the process a couple of times to ensure consistency and accuracy.

Step 6: Use Landmarks if Needed

If measuring in tight spaces, use recognizable landmarks as reference points to achieve a precise 20-meter measurement.

Step 7: Consider Assistance

For longer distances, consider having a helper hold the other end of the measuring tape to ensure it stays straight.

Step 8: Account for Tape Width

Keep in mind that the width of the measuring tape can add a small margin of error, especially over longer distances.

Measuring 20 meters accurately is essential for various purposes. By following these steps, you’ll achieve reliable results for your projects or measurements.

9 Common Things That Are 20 Meters Long

Grasping the length of 20 meters isn’t always straightforward. However, many everyday items and structures align with this measurement, offering a practical reference. Here are nine relatable items that are approximately 20 meters long.

1. Standard Bowling Lane

A standard bowling lane, where players aim and roll their balls to strike down pins, is nearly 19.2 meters from the foul line to the head pin. 

These lanes are built to precise specifications to ensure fairness and consistency in the sport. 

When you add the approach area, where players start their run-up, the total length is close to 20 meters. So, next time you’re at a bowling alley, you’re essentially looking at a 20-meter stretch.

2. Tennis Court

Tennis courts, where world-renowned players battle for championships, span a total of 23.77 meters from baseline to baseline. 

But if you focus solely on the playing area, deducting the service boxes, you get a length nearing 20 meters. This length is significant as it offers players enough space to rally, making the game challenging and exciting.

3. Articulated Buses

In crowded cities, you might’ve seen those extra-long buses with a bendy section in the middle. These are called articulated buses. Their length typically ranges from 18 to 24 meters. 

A 20-meter articulated bus would fall right in between, offering ample space for passengers during peak hours. 

It’s like having two regular buses combined into one but with smoother movement through traffic.

4. Olympic-sized Swimming Pool

Swimmers and sports enthusiasts are familiar with the Olympic-sized swimming pool, which is a whopping 50 meters long. If you were to swim from one end to the middle, you would have covered 20 meters. 

This half-distance is crucial for training as it allows swimmers to refine their techniques and build endurance without completing a full lap.

5. Large Yachts

A 20-meter yacht isn’t your average boat. At this size, yachts usually have multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, a lounge, and often luxurious features like a mini pool or a jacuzzi. 

They’re designed for long sea voyages, providing both comfort and functionality. So, owning a 20-meter yacht is often seen as a symbol of luxury and opulence.

6. Tall Trees

Forests are home to nature’s skyscrapers. Trees such as the Douglas fir or certain types of oak can soar to heights of 20 meters and beyond. 

These towering trees offer homes to countless wildlife, from birds to squirrels. 

They also play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance, providing oxygen, and absorbing carbon dioxide.

7. Six-story Building

Imagine walking in a city and looking up at a medium-sized building. If it’s six stories high, it’s likely around 20 meters tall. Such structures can house apartments, offices, or even hotels. 

Their height offers residents a vantage point, perhaps a lovely view of the cityscape or the horizon.

8. Wind Turbine Tower

Wind turbines are monumental structures that dot rural landscapes, converting wind into renewable energy. The base tower, which supports the spinning blades, often stands at around 20 meters. 

These towers are meticulously designed to withstand varying wind pressures while optimizing energy conversion.

9. Two Blue Whales End-to-End

Picture the majestic blue whale, the planet’s largest creature. An adult averages between 25 to 30 meters. However, juvenile or slightly smaller blue whales can be about 20 meters. 

To visualize this length on land, imagine placing two of these magnificent creatures head to tail. It’s a testament to the sheer scale of life in our oceans.

3 Weird Things That Are 20 Meters Long

The length of 20 meters might seem relatively modest, but it becomes intriguing when you consider some unexpected things that match this measurement. Let’s delve into three weird items that surprisingly span a whopping 20 meters.

1. Giant Earthworms of Fantasy

Although no earthworm on Earth has ever grown to 20 meters, in the realm of fiction, gargantuan worms often slither into our imaginations. 

Inspired by the mysteries of the underground world, authors and filmmakers imagine colossal worms navigating the earth’s crust. 

While the longest verified earthworm is a little over 3 meters, the concept of a 20-meter worm challenges our understanding of biology and offers a vivid glimpse into a world of fantasy.

2. An Enormous Paperclip Chain

Imagine taking standard paperclips and linking them together, one by one. If you were persistent enough to connect approximately 1,000 paperclips in a row, you’d get a chain that’s close to 20 meters long. 

While it’s not a typical use for these office supplies, it can be a fun, albeit time-consuming, experiment in patience and persistence. 

It’s a reminder that even everyday objects can be repurposed into something unexpectedly vast.

3. A Line of Sneezes

An odd way to measure 20 meters would be by considering the distance a sneeze travels. It’s been suggested that a forceful sneeze can propel droplets up to 2 meters away. 

Therefore, if ten people stood in a row and sneezed simultaneously (given an average sneeze distance of 2 meters), the collective spray would span about 20 meters. 

Beyond being an amusing visual, this serves as a potent reminder of the importance of covering one’s mouth, especially in times of health crises.


When we talk about the size of objects, it’s often hard to visualize. Here’s a quick FAQ to give you a perspective on common things that measure around 20 meters.

What Are Some Examples of 20 Meter Big Items?

Typically, things like semi-trucks, large yachts, and some adult blue whales can be around 20 meters in length. It’s a substantial size in everyday life.

Is 20 Meters Equal to 20 Yards?

No, it’s not. 20 meters is slightly longer than 20 yards. Specifically, 1 meter is roughly 1.09 yards, so 20 meters is approximately 21.87 yards.

How Many Feet Are in 20 Meters?

There are 3.281 feet in a meter. So, 20 meters is equal to approximately 65.62 feet.

Can a Building Be 20 Meters Tall?

Absolutely! A six or seven-story building is often around 20 meters tall. It’s a common height for many urban residential buildings.

How Does 20 Meters Compare to a Basketball Court?

A standard NBA basketball court is about 28.65 meters in length. So, 20 meters is shorter than a full-length basketball court by around 8.65 meters.


Understanding the scope of 20 meters is simplified when we relate it to recognizable items and scenarios. From sports courts to sea giants, the world offers ample examples that align with this measurement. 

These references not only enhance our comprehension but also enrich our appreciation for the vast and varied scales of our environment. 

As you navigate the world, let these comparisons guide and inspire you, turning a simple unit of measure into a gateway of discovery.

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