8 Common Things That are 7 Centimeters Long

In a world where size matters, it’s fascinating to discover the myriad of everyday objects that measure up to a specific length. 

7 centimeters might seem like an insignificant distance, but when observed closely, this measurement is both prevalent and essential in our daily lives. 

From tech gadgets to tiny wonders of nature, dive into this comprehensive guide to unearth objects that share this common size.

How Long Is 7 Centimeters?

7 centimeters is a small length, about as long as the width of a large paperclip or the tip of your thumb from the tip to the first joint. 

It’s a measurement often used for smaller objects, like small buttons or the width of a compact smartphone. To picture it better, imagine a tiny ruler where each mark represents one centimeter. 

So, 7 centimeters is like moving 7 marks along that ruler. While it might seem short, these measurements are important for precise work and everyday items that don’t need much space, making them handy in various situations.

Conversion Of 7 Centimeters Into Different Units

Understanding measurement conversions is essential for practical applications. Here’s a table showcasing the equivalent lengths of 7 centimeters in different units:

UnitEquivalent Length
Centimeters7 centimeters
Millimeters70 millimeters
Inches2.76 inches
Feet0.23 feet
Meters0.07 meters

How To Measure 7 Centimeters Easily?

Accurate measurements are important in various situations. Follow these steps to easily measure 7 centimeters:

1. Choose the Right Tools

Select a precise metric ruler or measuring tape with clear centimeter markings for accurate measurement.

2. Find a Flat Surface

Ensure you have a level and stable surface to work on for accurate readings.

3. Begin at the Starting Point

Align the starting end of the ruler or tape with the beginning of the object you’re measuring.

4. Read the Measurement

Look at the point where the other end of the object aligns with the ruler or tape. This is your measurement.

5. Double-Check for Accuracy

Measure the object again to confirm the correctness of your initial measurement.

6. Use a Magnifying Glass

For very small objects, use a magnifying glass to make sure you’re reading the measurement accurately.

7. Note Down the Measurement

If you need the measurement for a project, write it down to prevent forgetting or misplacing it.

8. Practice Regularly

Measuring various objects will improve your accuracy and confidence over time.

9. Consider Digital Options

Digital calipers or measuring apps on smartphones can provide precise measurements, especially for intricate objects.

10. Mind the Unit Conversion

If needed, convert the measurement to other units using appropriate conversion factors.

8 Common Things That Are 7 Centimeters Long

Every day, we interact with a myriad of objects, many of which serve as handy references for size. For instance, there are several everyday objects that measure approximately 7 centimeters long. Here are eight of them:

1. A Credit Card’s Width

Standard credit cards, accepted globally, measure about 8.5 cm by 5.4 cm. Thus, the smaller side of the card approaches 7 centimeters. 

These cards, whether for banking, membership, or loyalty programs, are ubiquitous. Using a credit card’s width as a point of reference is convenient because of its widespread familiarity. 

People worldwide recognize and handle them frequently, ensuring an easy mental benchmark for size.

2. USB Flash Drives

In today’s digital age, USB flash drives are indispensable. While designs vary, many standard models measure close to 7 cm. These devices, also known as thumb drives, are versatile. 

They can store photos, documents, music, and more, and they connect easily with computers and other electronic devices. Their portability and utility make them a common sight in office settings, schools, and homes.

3. Some Adult Human Fingers

Fingers are not identical in size across all individuals, but interestingly, the length of an adult’s little finger or occasionally the ring finger can be close to 7 cm. 

This measure, of course, fluctuates with genetics, age, and ethnicity. But the finger-length comparison offers a readily available and personal reference. Just hold up your finger, and you have an instant ruler!

4. Standard Lip Balm Tubes

Lip balm, a savior for many during dry or cold weather, often comes in small cylindrical tubes measuring around 7 cm. 

Popular brands, found in almost every pharmacy or general store, maintain this standardized size. 

Beyond serving as a quick measurement reference, these tubes are pocket-friendly, ensuring smooth and moisturized lips on the go.

5. Pocket-sized Combs

For those hair emergencies or last-minute touch-ups, pocket-sized combs, averaging around 7 cm, are incredibly handy. 

Their compact design ensures they fit comfortably in pockets, purses, or small bags. Made from various materials like plastic, wood, or metal, these combs suit diverse hair types and needs.

6. Small Candles

Decorative and functional, small candles, such as tea lights, often stand at around 7 cm tall. 

These candles, besides providing a soothing ambiance, are frequently used in events, parties, or for creating intimate dining experiences. 

Their soft glow and often pleasant aroma elevate moods and environments, making them a favorite in many households.

7. Some Candy Bars

While full-sized candy bars exceed 7 cm, certain “fun size” or snack versions are closer to this measurement. 

Found in a multitude of flavors, from chocolate to nuts to caramel, these treats are favorites for quick snacks or sharing during events. 

Their universally loved nature and widespread availability make them another sweet size reference.

8. Miniature Figurines

The world of miniature collectibles is vast and varied. Many figurines, particularly those designed for tabletop games or mere display, are about 7 cm tall. 

Crafted with precision and detail, these miniatures capture the essence of larger objects, characters, or creatures, making them favorites among hobbyists and collectors alike.

3 Weird Things That Are 7 Centimeters Long

In the vast universe of measurements, 7 centimeters may seem rather inconspicuous. Let’s delve into three of the weirdest things that surprisingly measure exactly 7 centimeters long.

1. Miniature Violin

The art of crafting musical instruments is intricate and delicate. A miniature violin, measuring just 7 centimeters long, is no exception. 

These teeny violins aren’t designed for playing; rather, they often serve as ornaments or collector’s items. 

Their intricate details mirror that of full-sized violins, capturing the elegance of the strings, bridge, and even the scroll. They are a testament to the skill and precision of their crafters.

2. Giant Isopods’ Baby Version

The deep seas are home to some bizarre creatures, one of which is the giant isopod. While adults can reach lengths of over 30 centimeters, their babies or juveniles measure around 7 centimeters. 

Resembling oversized pill bugs or woodlice, these deep-sea scavengers have exoskeletons and multiple jointed legs. 

Their size and appearance can be both captivating and slightly eerie, especially when one considers the dark, high-pressure environment in which they thrive.

3. Chameleon’s Tiny Tail

Chameleons are known for their color-changing ability and swiveling eyes. However, some smaller species have tails measuring about 7 centimeters when fully extended. 

This flexible appendage serves many purposes, from aiding balance when navigating tree branches to acting as a fifth limb in some situations. 

The tail’s versatility, combined with the chameleon’s unique characteristics, showcases nature’s wondrous adaptations in the face of diverse challenges.


Understanding the size of objects is a key aspect of daily life. We often use everyday items to gauge or compare measurements. Here’s a concise guide addressing common queries about things that are approximately 7 centimeters long.

What Are Some Examples of Objects That Are 7 Centimeters Long?

Most pencils, chocolate bars, some adult finger lengths, typical USB sticks, many pocket-sized combs, smaller cellphones, and certain pocketbooks can all measure close to 7 centimeters in length.

How Accurate Is This 7 Centimeters Measurement?

The items listed are approximate. While a standard pencil, for instance, is near 7 centimeters, there can be slight variations based on the brand or design.

Is 7 Centimeters Considered Long or Short in Everyday Objects?

In everyday contexts, 7 centimeters is relatively short. It’s longer than a coin’s diameter but shorter than most TV remote controls.

How Do I Measure 7 Centimeters Without a Ruler?

You can compare it to the items listed above, like a pencil or chocolate bar. However, for more precise measurements, it’s best to use a measuring tool.


The realm of 7-centimeter items is both vast and varied. 

Whether they’re artifacts of our daily routines or oddities from the natural world, these objects remind us of the intricacies and marvels of design, both human-made and natural. 

Next time you encounter something, consider its size and where it fits in the vast tapestry of objects that make up our world.

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