13 Common Things That Are About 200 Feet Long (With Visuals)

Discover the fascinating world of objects and structures that measure approximately 200 feet long. From the grandeur of blue whales and passenger airplanes to intricate details like the Statue of Liberty’s nose, explore their significance and dimensions. 

Uncover peculiar marvels, including the world’s longest noodle, an underwater sculpture, and the enigmatic Serpent Mound. 

Get answers to common questions about iconic landmarks, commercial airplanes, famous ships, and natural wonders that all share the intriguing length of around 200 feet.

How Long is 200 Feet?

200 feet is a unit of length equivalent to 60.96 meters or 6096 centimeters. It is commonly used to measure distances or dimensions. 

To provide some context, it’s about the length of two-thirds of a football field (American football) or roughly the height of a 20-story building. 

This measurement is used in various industries like construction, architecture, and engineering. 

Understanding the length of 200 feet helps visualize dimensions in both large and small scales. 

Converting between feet and other units can aid in communication and accurate measurements for a wide range of applications.

Conversion Of 200 Feet Long Into Different Units

Here’s a chart showing the conversion of 200 feet into different units of length

UnitEquivalent Measurement
Inches2400 inches
Yards66.67 yards
Meters60.96 meters
Centimeters6096 centimeters
Kilometers0.06096 kilometers
Miles0.03788 miles
Millimeters60960 millimeters
Nautical Miles0.03261 nautical miles
Decimeters609.6 decimeters
Hectometers0.6096 hectometers

How To Measure 200 Feet Long Easily?

Measuring a distance of 200 feet can be done easily by following these steps:

Materials Needed

  • Measuring Tape (at least 200 feet long)

Prepare the Measuring Tape

Make sure your measuring tape is fully extended and ready for use. Ensure it’s at least 200 feet long to cover the entire distance.

Starting Point

Identify the starting point from where you want to measure the 200 feet. This could be a wall, a post, or any visible landmark.

Hold the Tape

Stand at the starting point and hold the end of the measuring tape firmly.

Unroll the Tape

Begin unrolling the measuring tape while walking in the direction you want to measure. Keep the tape taut and straight along the ground.

Mark 200 Feet

As you unroll the tape, have someone assist you if needed to ensure the tape stays straight and doesn’t snag on obstacles. 

When you’ve unrolled the tape to the 200-foot mark, have your assistant place a marker or hold the tape at that point.

Verify and Adjust

Double-check that the tape is straight and aligned with the distance you want to measure. If necessary, adjust the tape to make sure it accurately spans 200 feet.

Finalize Measurement

Once the tape is securely held at the 200-foot mark, walk back to the starting point, holding the other end of the tape. Confirm that the tape is still straight and taut.

Read the Measurement

Look at the measuring tape where it’s aligned with the starting point. The measurement indicated on the tape at this point is your accurate 200-foot measurement.

Record the Measurement

Make a note of the measurement in your preferred unit (feet, meters, etc.), and ensure you also record any relevant information about the measurement’s location and purpose.

Roll Up the Tape

Carefully roll up the measuring tape, ensuring it doesn’t become tangled or kinked, and store it properly for future use.

13 Common Things That Are About 200 Feet Long 

When we look around our world, we can find various objects and structures that are about 200 feet long. Let’s explore some of these things and understand more about their size and significance.

1. Blue Whale

Imagine a creature as long as two school buses parked end to end. That’s how big a blue whale can be! 

Blue whales are the biggest animals on Earth. They live in the deep oceans and are really huge and beautiful. 

A grown-up blue whale can be as long as 100 feet, which is longer than a cricket pitch. 

They’re even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs! Despite their enormous size, they eat tiny creatures called krill. 

Blue whales are gentle giants, and they communicate with each other through loud, low-frequency sounds that can travel long distances in the water.

2. Passenger Airplane

Have you ever looked up at the sky and seen a big airplane flying high above? Some airplanes are as long as two basketball courts placed side by side! These special vehicles are called passenger airplanes. 

They carry lots of people on journeys to faraway places. Inside, there are rows of seats, just like on a bus, but way up in the air. Pilots fly the airplane and make sure everyone reaches their destination safely.

3. Football Field

A football field is where players run with a ball and try to score goals. It’s longer than two school buses lined up! The field is about 100 meters long and 50 meters wide. 

That’s like having a really big garden! In football, two teams compete by kicking the ball, passing it, and trying to put it in the other team’s goal. The players work together and use different strategies to win the game.

4. Statue of Liberty’s Nose

The Statue of Liberty is a famous landmark in America. Did you know the tip of its nose is as high as a 20-story building? This statue stands in New York City and holds a torch in one hand to symbolize freedom. 

People from all over the world visit the statue to learn about history and enjoy the fantastic view from the crown, which is the top part of the statue.

5. Space Shuttle

Space shuttles are like special cars that go to space. They’re longer than a big school bus. Scientists and astronauts use space shuttles to explore space and learn about planets and stars. 

These amazing machines can also carry satellites to orbit around the Earth. Astronauts live inside the shuttle and do experiments in space.

6. Blue Whale’s Heart

Even though a blue whale’s heart is not as long as 200 feet, it can be as heavy as a car! Just imagine a heart that weighs as much as a small car. 

Blue whales are really big animals, so they need big hearts to pump blood around their bodies. These enormous hearts beat slowly, only about 5 to 6 times per minute.

7. Bowling Lane

Bowling is a fun game where you roll a heavy ball to knock down pins at the end of a long lane. The lane can be longer than three school buses lined up! 

It’s a bit like a long path where you send the ball rolling and try to knock down as many pins as possible. Bowling is a great game to play with friends and family.

8. Submarine Length

Submarines are like special boats that can go underwater. Some of them can be as long as a football field! People use submarines to explore the deep oceans and study underwater creatures. 

These machines are like secret underwater vehicles, and they help us learn about parts of the ocean that are difficult to reach.

9. Giant Sequoia Tree

Imagine a tree almost as tall as a football field! Giant sequoia trees are some of the tallest trees on Earth. They can grow up to 100 meters tall. 

These incredible trees live for a very long time, much longer than people do. They provide homes for many animals and play an important role in our environment.

10. Ferris Wheel

Have you ever seen a big wheel at a fair or amusement park? The London Eye is a famous example. It’s half as big as a football field! 

A ferris wheel has cabins that people sit in, and the wheel goes around and around. From the top, you can see the whole city below you and enjoy breathtaking views.

11. Tennis Court

Tennis is a sport where players hit a ball back and forth over a net. The court is longer than two big cars parked next to each other. 

In tennis, players use rackets to hit the ball and try to make it land in a specific area on the other side of the net. It’s a game of skill, focus, and quick movements.

12. Blue Whale Skeleton

When a blue whale passes away, its enormous skeleton can be as long as the whale itself – about 200 feet! 

People put these skeletons in museums so that everyone can learn about these amazing creatures. 

Seeing a real blue whale skeleton can help us understand more about their size, structure, and the incredible life they led in the oceans.

13. Wind Turbine Blade

Wind turbines are machines that use the power of the wind to make electricity. The blades on these turbines can be as long as a big truck! 

When the wind blows, the blades spin around and generate energy. Wind turbines help us create clean and renewable energy, which is good for the environment.

3 Weird Things That Are 200 Feet Long

In the realm of extraordinary oddities, there exist three remarkable phenomena, each spanning an astounding 200 feet. These captivating marvels ignite curiosity and inspire wonder in all who encounter them.

1. World’s Longest Noodle

Imagine a noodle that’s as long as two basketball courts placed end to end! This noodle holds the title of being the longest noodle ever made, measuring a staggering 200 feet in length. 

To put that into perspective, it’s like stretching a noodle from the entrance of a grocery store all the way to the back. 

This amazing feat was achieved by skilled chefs who carefully crafted and stretched the dough until it reached this astonishing length. 

Just picture the amount of flour, water, and effort that went into making such an extraordinary noodle.

2. Enormous Underwater Creature Sculpture

Dive into the world of art beneath the waves with an incredible underwater sculpture that spans a remarkable 200 feet. 

This massive art piece showcases a breathtaking underwater scene, bringing together creativity and marine life. 

Imagine snorkeling or scuba diving and suddenly encountering this awe-inspiring sculpture. 

It’s like stumbling upon an underwater museum, where vibrant marine creatures interact with larger-than-life sculptures. 

This ambitious creation not only celebrates art but also serves as an artificial reef, providing a habitat for marine organisms for years to come.

3. The Mysterious Serpent Mound

Unravel the mystery of the Serpent Mound – an ancient earthwork that winds for 200 feet through the landscape. 

This historical site takes the form of a winding serpent, its shape best appreciated from above. 

It’s fascinating to consider that this structure was built by Indigenous peoples long ago, without the tools and technology we have today. 

While the exact purpose of the Serpent Mound remains a subject of debate, many believe it held cultural, spiritual, or astronomical significance. 

Exploring the mound offers a glimpse into the rich history and ingenuity of the people who created it, leaving us to wonder about the stories it holds.


Looking around, you’ll be surprised at how many everyday objects are about 200 feet long. From structures to vehicles, here are answers to your burning questions.

1. What Commercial Airplane Is Approximately 200 Feet Long?

The Boeing 747-400, a well-known jumbo jet, measures around 231 feet in length, making it a familiar sight at airports worldwide.

2. Which Famous Ship Is Roughly 200 Feet Long?

The RMS Titanic, the legendary ocean liner, stretched about 882.5 feet, impressively longer than the average football field.

3. What Iconic Monument Stands At Nearly 200 Feet In Height?

The Washington Monument, an enduring symbol of the USA, reaches a towering 555 feet, gracefully piercing the skyline.

4. What Type Of Roller Coaster Typically Spans About 200 Feet?

Hypercoasters, like the Magnum XL-200, offer exhilarating drops and thrills across their lengthy tracks, satisfying adrenaline junkies.

5. Which Natural Wonder Is Around 200 Feet Wide?

The majestic Niagara Falls, straddling the U.S.-Canada border, boasts a width of about 1,060 feet, captivating countless visitors.


In the realm of length, 200 feet unveils a world of wonders, from blue whales to monumental structures. 

This dimension bridges the tangible and extraordinary, showcasing the vast diversity of our world. 

Whether in art, nature, or engineering, the significance of 200 feet is a testament to human creativity and the marvels of existence.

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