11 Common Things That Weigh 11 Ounces (+Pics)

Discover a world of surprising weight with 11 everyday items that each tip the scale at precisely 11 ounces. From quirky finds like an 11-ounce potato chip bag to familiar objects such as a coffee mug, delve into the unexpected weight of common things. 

Uncover how to measure this specific weight, conversion details, and explore the uniqueness of items that match this distinctive measurement. Whether it’s a notepad or a portable Bluetooth speaker, these objects shed light on the intriguing world of 11-ounce wonders.

How Heavy is 11 Ounces?

11 ounces is equivalent to 0.6875 pounds. In the imperial system, 1 pound is divided into 16 ounces. 

Therefore, to convert ounces to pounds, you divide the number of ounces by 16. In this case, 11 divided by 16 equals 0.6875 pounds. This is often rounded to 0.69 pounds for practical purposes. 

Ounces and pounds are units of weight commonly used in the United States and other countries that use the imperial system. 

In comparison, 11 ounces is approximately 311 grams in the metric system, which is used in most of the world for measuring weight.

Conversion Of 11 Ounces Into Different Units

Here’s a chart showing the conversion of 11 ounces into different units:

UnitEquivalent Value
Pounds0.6875 pounds
Grams311.84 grams
Kilograms0.31184 kilograms
Tons (US)0.00034375 tons
Tons (UK)0.00030578 tons
Milligrams311840 milligrams
Stones0.04896 stones
Carats1559.2 carats
Pounds (Troy)0.57143 troy pounds

How To Measure 11 Ounces Easily? 

Measuring 11 ounces can be done easily using various methods and items commonly found in households. Here are a few options:

Kitchen Scale

Use a kitchen scale to accurately measure 11 ounces. Place a container on the scale, tare it to zero, and then add the substance you want to measure until the scale reads 11 ounces.

Measuring Cups

Many liquid measuring cups have both metric and imperial measurements, including ounces. Fill the cup with the substance until the level reaches the 11-ounce mark.

Food Scale

A digital food scale can measure 11 ounces of solid or liquid items with precision. Put your container on the scale, set it to ounces, and add the substance until it reaches 11 ounces.

Common Items

Familiarize yourself with the weight of common items. For example, a standard can of soda weighs about 12 ounces. By subtracting a little from the contents, you can approximate 11 ounces.

Water Displacement

If measuring a solid object, you can use water displacement. Fill a container with water, note the water level, then submerge the object. The increase in water level corresponds to the object’s volume and weight.

Comparative Weights

If you have items of known weights, you can balance them against the substance you’re measuring until you find a combination that matches the weight of 11 ounces.

11 Common Things That Are 11 Ounces Weight

If you’re wondering about things that weigh about the same as 11 ounces, which is a little more than half a pound, let’s explore some everyday items that fit this weight range. These items can be found in different places like your kitchen, your bag, or even in the park.

1. Coffee Mug

Picture yourself wrapped in warmth, holding a snug coffee mug. A coffee mug is like a cup, but with a handle that lets you cradle it easily. You can enjoy your favorite hot cocoa or morning coffee in it. 

Some coffee mugs aren’t heavy, weighing around the same as a small apple. That’s about 11 ounces, which is like clutching a little apple in your hand. 

So, when you sip from a coffee mug, it’s like savoring a delicious drink while holding a tiny apple!

2. Canned Soup

When time is short and cooking seems tough, canned soups come to the rescue. 

These soups are like tasty meals tucked into metal containers. Imagine a can of soup just for you – it might weigh nearly 11 ounces. 

That’s close to the weight of a bunch of grapes! 

So, holding a can of soup is like holding a bunch of these juicy little fruits. These soups are like a quick, yummy solution when you’re hungry!

3. Water Bottle

Staying refreshed is essential, and water bottles are here to help. Some water bottles, not the really big ones, can hold about 11 ounces of water. 

That’s almost like the weight of a small toy car! So, when you grab your water bottle, it’s like carrying a mini car filled with water. 

It’s perfect for sips during playtime or when you’re out and about!

4. Mobile Phone

You might have seen grown-ups using small gadgets to talk, text, or play games – those are mobile phones. Some of these phones are as light as 11 ounces. 

That’s nearly the same as holding a sandwich! These magical devices let you do many cool things, like chatting with friends or playing fun games. They’re like a piece of technology that fits right in your hand!

5. Notepad

Imagine having a little book where you can write thoughts and draw pictures. That’s a notepad!

Some notepads weigh around 11 ounces. That’s like grasping a bar of soap in your hand. 

So, when you hold a notepad, it’s like holding a handy tool for your ideas and drawings. You can carry it wherever you go and capture your creativity!

6. Baseball

Do you enjoy playing baseball? The ball used in the game is called a baseball. Although it’s a bit heavier than 11 ounces, it’s similar! 

A baseball is a tad heavier than half of 11 ounces. Imagine holding a few marbles in your hand – that’s what it’s like holding a baseball. Get ready for some exciting throws and catches in a game of baseball!

7. Wallet

Grown-ups use wallets to keep their money, cards, and important things safe. Sometimes, a wallet can weigh about 11 ounces, which is close to the weight of a small toy robot. 

Wallets are like special containers that help grown-ups keep their important stuff organized and secure. They’re like your treasure chest for important things!

8. Compact Camera

Cameras are like magic devices that capture moments in pictures. A compact camera is a small one you can carry around easily. 

Some of these cameras weigh around 11 ounces, which is like holding a small block of cheese. 

With a compact camera, you can capture memories wherever you go, just like a little photographer!

9. Portable Speaker

Imagine sharing your favorite music with everyone around you. Portable speakers make it possible! Some of these speakers, when they’re not too big, weigh about 11 ounces. 

That’s almost the weight of a big, juicy orange! With a portable speaker, you can bring your favorite tunes to life and make any place feel like a party!

10. Snack Pack

Tasty snacks are a treat for your taste buds. Some snack packs, like the ones with nuts or dried fruits, can weigh about 11 ounces. That’s like holding a small toy dinosaur! 

These snack packs are like little treasure troves of flavors, perfect for satisfying your hunger or enjoying a quick nibble.

11. Small Book

Books are like windows to exciting stories and interesting facts. Some small books, especially those with lots of pictures, weigh about 11 ounces. 

That’s nearly like holding a big handful of colorful markers! When you read a small book, you’re opening the door to a world of adventures and knowledge, all within the pages of your hands.

3 Weird Things That Are 11 Ounces Weight

In a world full of standard measurements and everyday objects, sometimes you stumble upon something that defies expectations. 

Imagine finding peculiar items that all weigh exactly 11 ounces. Let’s dive into three such quirky finds that might leave you scratching your head.

1. The Unlikely Culinary Companion: 11 Ounce Potato Chip Bag

While potato chip bags come in various sizes, an 11-ounce bag might seem like an oddly specific choice. 

This weight is not the most common for snack bags, making it a peculiar option for those seeking a satisfying crunch. 

Despite its unusual size, this bag packs in a delightful assortment of crisps for your snacking pleasure.

2. The Quirky Beverage: 11 Ounce Soda Can

In the realm of canned beverages, an 11-ounce soda can is a rare sight. Typically, you’d encounter 12-ounce or 16-ounce cans, making the 11-ounce can an anomaly. 

It’s the perfect size for a quick refreshment without committing to the usual larger portions. This little can holds the fizzy, sugary goodness that soda enthusiasts might find both surprising and delightful.

3. The Curious Electronic Device: 11 Ounce Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Electronic gadgets often come in a range of sizes, but an 11-ounce portable Bluetooth speaker stands out. 

Straddling the line between lightweight and powerful sound, this device is an unusual find in a market dominated by various sizes and specifications. 

Despite its compactness, it can fill a room with music, leaving you wondering how something so small can produce such impressive sound quality.


Are you curious about objects that weigh 11 ounces? Discover a variety of common items with images in this FAQ.

Can You Name A Popular Food Weighing 11 Ounces?

An average-size bar of chocolate, such as a Hershey’s bar, typically weighs about 11 ounces.

What Office-Related Item Has An 11-Ounce Weight?

Letter-size envelopes filled with documents or papers often weigh close to 11 ounces.

Which Gadget Weighs Around 11 Ounces?

Many portable Bluetooth speakers have a weight of approximately 11 ounces, making them easy to carry.

What Baby Product Weighs 11 Ounces?

Small baby bottles, especially those designed for newborns, often weigh around 11 ounces when filled with milk.

Can You Mention A Personal Accessory Weighing 11 Ounces?

Certain lightweight scarves or shawls made from materials like silk can weigh around 11 ounces.


There are a variety of everyday items that weigh precisely 11 ounces. 

From common items like coffee mugs and canned soup to more unique finds like potato chip bags and portable Bluetooth speakers, these objects provide insight into the surprising weight of common objects. 

Whether you’re measuring or comparing weights, understanding the weight of 11 ounces can be useful in various situations.

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