13 Common Things That Weigh About 30 Kilograms (+Pics)

Step into a realm where weight meets familiarity as we explore everyday objects that tip the scales at around 30 kilograms. 

From animals to objects, this intriguing array showcases the weighty presence of items we encounter regularly. 

Unveil the significance of this weight measure across diverse contexts, from luggage to tools, unveiling the unseen heft that shapes our world. Join us on a visual journey as we delve into the commonality of these 30-kilogram entities.

How Heavy Is 30 Kilograms?

30 kilograms is equivalent to approximately 66.14 pounds. It’s a weight commonly associated with various everyday items. Imagine the weight of a large suitcase, a medium-sized dog, or a stack of textbooks. 

This measure holds significance in many contexts, from luggage limits at airports to the capacity of weightlifting equipment. 

Understanding the weight of 30 kilograms provides insights into the physical demands and practical considerations that shape our interactions with objects and the world around us.

Conversion Of 30 Kilograms Into Different Units

Here’s a chart showing the conversion of 30 kilograms into different units of weight

UnitEquivalent Measurement
Grams30,000 g
Milligrams30,000,000 mg
Pounds66.14 lbs
Ounces1058.22 oz
Stones4.72 st
Tons (Metric)0.03 t
Carats150,000 ct

How To Measure 30 Kilograms Easily?

Measuring weight can be easy when you follow these steps carefully. Let’s learn how to measure around 30 kilograms in a simple way

Materials Needed

You’ll need a special tool called a weighing scale. It’s like a magic box that tells you how heavy things are. You’ll also need the things you want to measure, which should add up to about 30 kilograms.

Step 1 – Prepare the Weighing Scale

Find a flat and steady place for the weighing scale to sit. Make sure it’s not on a bumpy or wobbly surface, so it can give you the right answer.

Step 2 – Turn On the Scale

Turn on the weighing scale. Sometimes it might show a number, and sometimes it might show “0.” This is like its starting point.

Step 3 – Check the Capacity

Think of the weighing scale like a superhero with a strength limit. Make sure it can handle the weight of all the things you’re going to put on it. If it can’t, you might need a stronger scale.

Step 4 – Clear the Scale

Make sure nothing is on the scale before you begin. If something heavy is already there, it will give you the wrong answer.

Step 5 – Place Objects on the Scale

Gently put the things you want to measure on the scale. If you’re measuring more than one thing, try to put them in the middle, so the scale can balance nicely.

Step 6 – Observe the Reading

Watch the scale’s special screen. It might show some wiggly numbers at first, but wait a little. Soon, it will show a steady number. That’s the weight of the things you put on the scale.

Step 7 – Record the Measurement

Write down the number you see on the scale’s screen. This is how heavy the things are, together. Remember, this number is like a secret code that tells you their weight.

Step 8 – Calculate if Necessary

If you’re measuring things inside a container, like a box, you might need to do a small trick. First, weigh the empty container. Then, weigh the container with the things inside. Subtract the weight of the empty container from the second number. That’s how much the things inside weigh.

Step 9 – Double-Check

To make sure you got the right answer, try measuring things a few times. The scale should show the same number each time. If it doesn’t, you might need to check if you did all the steps correctly.

Step 10 – Turn Off the Scale

When you’re done, say goodbye to the scale by turning it off. This saves its special power for next time and helps it stay accurate.

13 Common Things That Weigh About 30 Kilograms 

These examples help you imagine the weight of 30 kilograms by comparing it to everyday things you might encounter. It’s a useful way to understand and visualize how heavy or light objects can be.

1. Labrador Retriever

A Labrador Retriever is a friendly and popular breed of dog. These dogs are known for their loyalty and playful nature. 

They usually weigh around 30 kilograms, which is about the same as the weight of an average 5-year-old child. Imagine a dog that’s as heavy as a small child.

Labrador Retrievers are often kept as pets because of their gentle behavior and ability to be trained easily. 

They have a sleek coat and come in different colors like black, yellow, and chocolate brown.

2. Bags of Rice

Bags of rice are a common sight in grocery stores and kitchens around the world. 

A bag of rice that weighs about 30 kilograms is quite large. It’s like carrying around a small person’s weight in the form of grains. 

Rice is a staple food for many cultures and is a source of carbohydrates that provide energy. Imagine lifting a bag of rice this heavy when you’re helping with grocery shopping or cooking for a big family gathering.

3. Medium-Sized Barbell

If you’ve ever been to a gym, you might have seen barbells. A medium-sized barbell with weights can weigh around 30 kilograms. 

This is the same as lifting a heavy suitcase filled with clothes and belongings. Weightlifting using barbells is a popular form of exercise to build strength and muscles. 

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use barbells to challenge themselves and get stronger over time.

4. Electric Scooter

Electric scooters are a fun and convenient way to travel short distances. Some electric scooters weigh about 30 kilograms. That’s like having a big backpack strapped to the scooter. 

These scooters usually have a battery and a motor to help you move without using your feet. They’re becoming more popular as an eco-friendly mode of transportation, especially in crowded urban areas.

5. Lion Cub

Lions are majestic wild animals found in parts of Africa. A lion cub, which is a baby lion, can weigh around 30 kilograms. That’s about the weight of a small adult. 

Lion cubs are adorable but can grow up to be powerful predators. They have soft fur and playful behavior, much like a household kitten, but they eventually become strong and fierce hunters in the wild.

6. Washing Machine

Washing machines are essential appliances in many homes. A typical washing machine can weigh about 30 kilograms. This is like having a large bag of pet food or a small piece of furniture. 

Washing machines are used to clean clothes by agitating them with water and detergent. They save time and effort compared to handwashing and are found in laundromats and households worldwide.

7. 5 Gallon Water Jug

A 5-gallon water jug is a common container for storing and transporting water. When it’s full, it can weigh about 30 kilograms. This is like carrying around a heavy backpack filled with textbooks. 

Water jugs of this size are often used in offices, homes, and events where a lot of water is needed. They provide a convenient way to access clean drinking water without the need for multiple smaller bottles.

8. Adult Kangaroo

Kangaroos are unique marsupials found in Australia. An adult kangaroo can weigh around 30 kilograms. That’s about as heavy as a young teenager. Kangaroos are known for their powerful hind legs, which they use for hopping at high speeds. 

They’re excellent jumpers and can cover long distances in search of food and water in the Australian outback.

9. Small Boat Anchor

An anchor is a heavy object used to keep boats and ships in place in the water. A small boat anchor can weigh around 30 kilograms. This is like lifting a big bag of dog food or a small piece of furniture. 

Anchors are dropped into the water to grip the seabed and prevent the boat from drifting. They play a crucial role in maritime activities like fishing, sailing, and boating.

10. Human Child

Children come in all shapes and sizes, but the average weight of a 4 to 5-year-old child is around 30 kilograms. This is like picking up a large bag of groceries. Children of this age are usually curious, energetic, and eager to learn about the world around them. 

They’re in the early stages of growth and development, and their weight can vary depending on factors like genetics and nutrition.

11. Electric Guitar and Amplifier

Musicians often use electric guitars and amplifiers to create music. An electric guitar and its amplifier can weigh around 30 kilograms combined. This is like carrying around a big bag of birdseed or a small piece of furniture. 

Electric guitars produce sound by converting the vibrations of the strings into electrical signals, which are then amplified by the amplifier to make the music louder and more dynamic.

12. Luggage for a Trip

When you’re going on a trip, you pack your belongings in luggage. A suitcase filled with clothes and items for a trip can weigh around 30 kilograms. This is like lifting a medium-sized dog. 

Packing efficiently is important to make sure you have everything you need while also not carrying too much weight. Lighter luggage can make traveling more comfortable and less strenuous.

13. Bales of Hay

Hay is dried grass or other plants used as animal feed. Bales of hay can vary in size, but a bale that weighs around 30 kilograms is quite substantial. This is like lifting a big bag of pet food or a small piece of furniture. 

Farmers use bales of hay to provide nutrition to livestock like cows, horses, and goats. It’s an essential part of animal husbandry, especially in rural areas.

3 Weird Things That Are 30 Kilograms Weight

A Giant Chunk of Swiss Cheese

Imagine a piece of cheese that weighs as much as 30 kilograms. That’s like carrying around a small child or a large dog. 

The cheese would be enormous and probably difficult to lift. Picture a big, round wheel of Swiss cheese, just like the ones you see in cartoons. 

This giant cheese could be used to make hundreds of sandwiches or melt into a sea of gooey goodness for a cheese fondue party. 

It’s a quirky thought to have such a massive piece of cheese, and it makes you wonder who would eat it all.

A Pile of One Thousand Apples

Have you ever held an apple in your hand? They’re not very heavy, right? Well, now imagine having a big pile of one thousand apples. 

It might not sound like a big deal, but when you put all those apples together, they can weigh as much as 30 kilograms. That’s a lot of apples. 

Picture a mountain of apples stacked up in your backyard or your living room. You could make apple pies for days or share them with all your friends. But be careful not to roll down the apple hill.

A Small Car…or a Heavy Backpack

Cars are usually pretty heavy, right? Well, think about this: some small toy or prototype cars weigh around 30 kilograms. Now, imagine carrying that small car on your back like a backpack. 

It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Walking around with a whole car strapped to you. Of course, cars are designed to be on the road, not on your shoulders. But it’s a fun way to understand just how heavy 30 kilograms can be. 

So, next time you’re lifting something and it feels a bit weighty, just think, “Am I lifting a small car?”


Whether you’re shipping a package or simply curious, we’ve got you covered with quick and clear answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about this weight range.

Can I Carry A 30-Kilogram Backpack While Hiking?

Carrying a 30-kilogram backpack while hiking is not recommended, as it can put too much strain on your body and increase your risk of injury.

How Much Does A Standard Barbell Weigh?

A standard barbell typically weighs around 20 kilograms, so you would need to add additional weights to reach the 30-kilogram mark.

How Can I Estimate The Weight Of An Object Without A Scale?

You can estimate the weight of an object by comparing it to something of a known weight or by using your own body weight as a reference.

Can I Ship A 30-Kilogram Package Through Regular Mail?

Most regular mail services have weight limits that are well below 30 kilograms. You’ll likely need to use a courier or freight service for a package of this weight.


Knowing the weight of common objects can be useful in a variety of situations. Whether you’re moving, shipping, or just curious, having a general idea of what weighs around 30 kilograms can help you plan and prepare accordingly. 

Remember to always use proper lifting techniques and seek assistance when needed to avoid injury.

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