10 Common Things That Weigh Approx 2 Kilograms

A kilogram is a unit of measurement for mass and weight. 2 kilograms equals around 4.4 pounds. There are many everyday items and common household objects that weigh close to 2 kilograms.

Being aware of the weight of common items can be useful for cooking, moving, shipping items, and more. This guide will look at 10 of the most common things that hit this 2 kilogram or 4.4 pound weight mark.

How Heavy Is 2 Kilograms?

Two kilograms is equivalent to approximately 4.4 pounds or 35.3 ounces. It’s about the weight of a standard bag of sugar or flour from the grocery store.

As a unit of mass, 2kg represents 2000 grams or 2000000 milligrams. This amount of weight may seem small, but it can feel quite heavy to carry around by hand.

To put 2kg into perspective, it’s over 30% of the recommended daily calorie intake for men or 40% for women.

Understanding the heft of 2kg helps when trying to visualize, lift or compare objects of similar weights.

Conversion Of 2 Kilograms Into Different Units

Kilograms (kg)2
Grams (g)2000
Ounces (oz)70.5
Pounds (lb)4.4
Tonnes (t)0.002

Two kilograms is a common unit of measurement across the world. Many recipes, products, and packages are measured in kilograms or fractions of a kilogram.

For reference, 2kg converts to approximately 2000 grams, 70.5 oz, 4.4 lb, or 0.002 tones. These converted units can help relate the mass of 2kg to other objects or scales.

How To Measure 2 Kilograms Easily?

Measuring out 2 kilograms accurately does not require any fancy equipment. Here are some simple methods:

Use a Food Scale

Digital kitchen scales designed for food are an easy way to measure 2kg of anything. Place a bowl or plate on the scale, press tare to reset it to zero, then add item(s) until scale reads 2000g or 2kg. Food scales are affordable, widely available and one of the most precise ways to measure 2kg.

Measure with Weights

Standard gym weights, dumbbells or metal plates that total 2kg can act as a reference. For example, two 1kg plates weighed on a small scale would confirm an accurate 2kg amount. Any items that match the weight of the known 2kg weights are approximately 2kg.

Estimate with Common Items

Since 2kg is a commonly packaged weight, many household goods can act as visual or lifting references. For example, a 2kg bag of flour or rice can help judge the heft and appearance of 2kg. Other items like 2 liters of soda, a full milk jug or a heavy book can approximate the weight close enough for basic needs.

10 Common Things That Are Weigh About 2 Kilograms

There are many common household items and foods that weigh very close to 2 kilograms. Here are 9 examples:

  1. Bag Of Rice

An uncooked 2kg bag of white rice is a very close approximation of 2 exact kilograms. Rice is sold in standard 1kg or 2kg bags worldwide, making it an easy reference weight. The carbohydrate-rich grains pack densely into the sack, giving it both the mass and density of 2kg.

  1. Laptop Computer

The average laptop weighs between 1.2kg to 2.2kg. High-end models like the MacBook Pro or Dell XPS 15 configured with premium components often tip the scales right around the 2kg mark. These thin and compact mobile computers are designed to be portable, but still carry the heft of their powerful hardware.

  1. House Brick

A standard brick used for building houses tends to weigh about 2 to 3kg. Though the exact weight varies by type and dimensions, a single brick grasped in the hand provides a good feel for the mass of 2kg. Construction workers become very familiar with this hefty building material.

  1. Newborn Baby

While newborns range from 2.5kg to over 4kg at birth, an average healthy baby weighs right around 2 to 2.5kg. Holding a newborn infant gives a tangible sense of the weight of 2kg. Despite their tiny size, babies feel surprisingly heavy at first to new parents.

  1. English Longbow

Traditional longbows used by English archers in medieval times had draw weights around 45 to 90 pounds, or equivalently about 2kg to 4kg. A longbow on the lighter end of that range with a 2kg draw weight would match our target mass precisely.

  1. Grapefruit

A single large ruby red or pink grapefruit often tips the scales at just under 2kg in weight. While grapefruits exhibit natural variation in size, holding one in your hand can approximate the density and weight of 2kg. Just remember – they can be heavy and awkward to catch if dropped!

  1. Chocolate Labrador Retriever

The average weight of a fully grown male chocolate Labrador Retriever is around 29 to 36kg. But as a puppy, chocolate Labs weigh about 2kg at 8 weeks old when they are ready to be adopted. These adorable chocolate-colored puppies grow incredibly fast, doubling their 2kg weight in just a few weeks.

  1. Bike Wheel

Road and racing bike wheels are precisely engineered to minimize weight while still supporting the rider and resisting impacts. A lightweight alloy wheel optimized for climbing or all-around performance often weighs around 1.8 to 2.2kg. Pro cyclists strive to reduce wheel weight, with every few hundred grams making a difference over long distances.

  1. Propane Tank For Grill

A standard 20 pound propane tank used for backyard grills holds approximately 2kg of fuel by weight. These portable tanks provide about 4 to 6 hours of grill time before needing a refill. While feeling lightweight when empty, a full tank has the density and mass of 2kg of pressurized flammable gas. Handle with care!

3 Weird Things That Are Weigh About 2 Kilograms

Along with common everyday items, there are also some odd and unexpected things that register at about 2 kilograms on the scale:

A Human Brain

The average adult human brain weighs around 1.3 to 1.4kg. A larger than normal brain size in adults can reach up to 1.8kg to 2kg. While brains provide all our intelligence and personality, their soft jelly-like consistency is very different than the solid mass we imagine for 2kg. A brain’s dense neural network packed into fluid-filled tissue creates the heavy 1.5kg mass inside our skulls.

Heart Of A Cow

An adult cow’s heart averages around 1.5 to 2.7kg, with larger cows on the higher end of the range. The powerful muscular organ needs significant heft to pump blood throughout the giant animal’s massive body. So a trimmed cow heart provides an unusual specimen weighing around 2kg for a human hand to hold.

One Liter Of Water

Pure water has a density of 1kg per liter. That makes 1 liter of water equivalent to 1 kilogram in mass. And 2 liters of water therefore weighs precisely 2kg. While uncommon for measuring everyday objects, thinking of water volume provides an exact 2kg reference point for scientific or culinary purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does 2kg Feel Like To Lift?

Lifting 2kg feels moderately heavy, similar to carrying around a big textbook, laptop or small pet. It’s not too strenuous for basic day-to-day tasks, but extended carrying can feel tiring in the hands or back. 2kg is reasonable for items like groceries or luggage to transport short distances.

How Much Should 2kg Dumbbells Work Out My Arms?

Exercising regularly with 2kg hand weights provides a moderate workout for your arm, chest and shoulder muscles. Doing bicep curls, lateral raises or chest presses with good form will gradually strengthen those muscles over time. 2kg is a reasonable starting weight for lighter toning or high repetition sets.

What Animals Weigh About 2kg Fully Grown?

Some cat breeds like Persians and Maine Coons can reach 2 to 5kg as adults. Small dog breeds including Chihuahuas and Yorkies average around 2 to 3kg full grown. Other 2kg pets are guinea pigs, dwarf rabbits, ferrets, rats and some bird species like ducks or chickens. Wildlife around 2kg includes possums, racoons and honey badgers.

Is A 2kg Baby Considered Large At Birth?

The average newborn is around 3kg, so a 2kg baby is on the smaller side but still within the healthy range. However babies weighing less than 2.5kg are technically classified as low birthweight. So 2kg is small but not dangerously so. Babies under 1.5kg are very concerning and require intensive neonatal care.


2 kilograms represents a conveniently sized amount of mass that is found across many common household objects, foods, commercial goods, and living things. 

It’s a useful reference weight for visualization, fitness goals, recipes and more. And options like digital scales, known 2kg weights and various pre-packaged items make measuring 2kg easy for both practical purposes and general knowledge.

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