What Are The Dimensions Of A Beach Volleyball Court?

Beach volleyball is a thrilling sport that thrives on precision and skill, and at its heart lies the carefully measured dimensions of the court. 

The standard dimensions of a beach volleyball court are 16 meters (52 feet) long and 8 meters (26 feet) wide, divided into equal halves by a 2.43 meter (8 foot) high net. The court is surrounded by free zones that are a minimum of 3 meters wide on the sides and 6.5 meters wide on the ends.

This article explores the official standards set by the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) for beach volleyball court dimensions, net heights, and the essential free zones. 

Key Beach Volleyball Court Dimensions

Length16 meters
Width8 meters
Net height (men)2.43 meters
Net height (women)2.24 meters
Side free zoneMinimum 3 meters
End free zoneMinimum 6.5 meters
Sand depthMinimum 40 cm

Let’s explore Key Beach Volleyball Court Dimensions with details:

Length of a Beach Volleyball Court

The official length of a beach volleyball court is 16 meters (52 feet, 1.75 inches). This measurement is taken from the outside of the boundary lines on each end of the court.

Minimum Length

The minimum allowed length for a beach volleyball court is 16 meters. Any court shorter than this minimum would impact gameplay and strategy.

Maximum Length

The maximum allowed length is also 16 meters. Courts are not permitted to be longer than the official dimensions.

Lines and Boundaries

The end lines of the court are included in the 16 meter length. These boundary lines mark the outer limits of the court on each end.

Consistent Length

All beach volleyball courts used for official competitions must remain consistent at 16 meters long. The length cannot vary from one side to the other.

Impact on Gameplay

A longer court would allow more space for players to defend attacks. A shorter court would condense gameplay into a smaller area. The official 16 meter length standardizes the court for fair gameplay.

Width of a Beach Volleyball Court

The official width of a beach volleyball court is 8 meters (26 feet, 3 inches). This spans from one sideline to the other and divides the court into two even halves.

Minimum Width

The minimum allowed width is 8 meters. Narrower courts would disrupt gameplay patterns and strategies.

Maximum Width

The maximum allowed width is also 8 meters, same as the minimum. Courts are not allowed to be wider than 8 meters for official tournaments.

Even Halves

The court is divided exactly in half, with each side measuring 4 meters wide from the center net to the sideline. Courts cannot be uneven or lopsided.

Boundary Lines

The side lines mark the court boundaries and are included in the 8 meter width. These lines run the length of the court from end line to end line.

Standardized Width

A consistent 8 meter width provides a standardized playing surface at all competitions. Widening or narrowing the court would impact gameplay dynamics.

Height of the Net on a Beach Volleyball Court

The top height of the net divides the beach volleyball court into two even playing areas.

Men’s Net Height

For men’s competition, the net height is set at 2.43 meters (7 feet, 11 5/8 inches).

Women’s Net Height

For women’s competition, the net height is 2.24 meters (7 feet, 4 1/8 inches). This is 19 centimeters (7.5 inches) lower than the men’s net height.

Consistent Height

The height is carefully regulated to remain precisely consistent across the entire net from sideline to sideline.

Measuring the Height

The net height is measured at the center of the net. Referees confirm the height is correct before each match.

Fair Division

An accurate net height provides a fair division of the court into two zones for competitive gameplay between opponents.

Maintaining Fair Play with Free Zones

Beach volleyball isn’t just about what happens within the court’s boundaries; the surrounding areas are equally significant. This is where free zones come into play:

Side Free Zones

On each side of the court, there must be a minimum of 3 meters of free space. 

These side free zones are essential for ensuring that players can chase down balls hit near the sidelines without obstacles impeding their movements.

End Free Zones

Behind each end line, a more substantial free zone of 6.5 meters is required. 

This space allows players to pursue shots that might otherwise sail out of bounds, adding an element of strategy and athleticism to the game.

Unobstructed Play

The purpose of these free zones is to create unobstructed play, preventing any objects, equipment, or obstacles from infringing on these zones. 

This ensures that all players have a fair chance to make plays near the edges of the court without hindrance.

Ensuring Fair Chances

Adequate free space around the court is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a fundamental requirement for fair play. 

Players must have a reasonable opportunity to keep the ball in play, even when it’s teetering on the edge of the court.

Regulation Free Zones

Consistent free zone dimensions provide the same open playing conditions around the court at all beach volleyball venues.

Court Surface Material Of Beach Volleyball Court

Beach volleyball is played on a carefully prepared surface layer of sand which impacts gameplay in unique ways.

Minimum Depth

According to FIVB regulations, the sand layer must be at least 40 cm deep, composed of fine loosely compacted grains.

Consistent Texture

The sand should be leveled and free of stones and debris. All courts must have the same sandy texture and stability.

Drainage Slope

A very slight downward slope of 2.5 cm per meter helps drain water off the court after rain and prevents pooling.

Maintaining the Surface

Courts must be groomed regularly with a specialized machine to maintain consistent density, depth, and texture.

Impact on Play

The soft sandy surface affects movement and creates unpredictable bounces compared to hard indoor courts.

FAQ about Beach Volleyball Court Dimensions

Understanding the dimensions of a beach volleyball court is fundamental to the game’s integrity. In this FAQ, we explore the exact measurements, gender differences, and the significance of free zones.

What Are The Exact Dimensions Of A Beach Volleyball Court?

The official dimensions are 16 meters long and 8 meters wide, divided in half by a net set at 2.43 meters high for men or 2.24 meters high for women.

Are Beach Volleyball Courts The Same Size For Men And Women?

The length and width are the same. Only the net height differs, set 19 cm lower for women at 2.24 meters high.

Can You Play Beach Volleyball On Grass Or Concrete?

While possible, it is not recommended. The game was designed for sand, which creates unique play conditions and requires specialized techniques.

What Happens If A Beach Volleyball Court Is Too Small?

If a court is below regulation size, it cannot be used for official competitive tournaments and would impact gameplay strategies.

Why Do Beach Volleyball Courts Require A Free Zone Border?

The free zone ensures players have enough open space to play balls near the court boundaries without obstruction or hazards.


In the world of beach volleyball, precision matters. The strict adherence to the official dimensions of a beach volleyball court, net heights, and free zones ensures that every match is a fair and exhilarating contest of skills. 

As players dive and spike on the sun-soaked sands, these measurements serve as the bedrock for a sport that captures the essence of teamwork, athleticism, and the great outdoors.

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